£149 One-time Setup

  • Facebook & Twitter Page Makeover/Optimisation
  • Includes Banner Image + Logo Makeover & 4 On-Brand Starter Posts
  • Relevant Royalty-Free Images to Promote Your Core Services/Offers
  • Complete Profile Setup
  • Email Support
  • Turnaround time typically 5 days

A cost-effective solution if your business wants to dip its toe in the social media ocean, giving your business exposure & credibility online.

We’ll create/update your Facebook & Twitter profile images, branded to your business, create 4 on-brand starter posts, including allowed call to action content to encourage visitors to contact you.

Facebook allows you to create a section where you promote your products & services, but we’ll also create eye-catching, on-brand images for both Facebook & Twitter that will get your phone ringing.

For Facebook, we’ll add full details about your business description, its products & services, opening hours, plus completion of the Additional Information section.

For Twitter, we’ll add & customise your profile, upgrading it to a business profile for additional business exposure to your target market.